Tag: Pickle

Back at it!

It’s been fun getting back into my fermenting. In the last two weeks I’ve put up a crock of country-style kimchi, a kimchi variation with red cabbage, a red cabbage sauerkraut with cranberries and ginger (autumn surprise!), cocktail carrots, brussels sprouts, and two different styles 

Not so quick pickles

Not so quick pickles

Life has been crazy busy around here – we bought a house, moved, and have been simultaneously fixing up the old place while unpacking the new place. The new kitchen took nearly a month to reach functionality, and several more weeks to get back to 

First try at kimchi

First try at kimchi

We don’t eat a lot of kimchi (yet), but we like it for a few recipes and occasionally find ourselves buying an expensive pint from the grocery store. I finally got up the gumption to do a little research about it, and decided to try 

Perth 🥒Pickle-butt

Perth 🥒Pickle-butt

When you think of pickles I know you think of the taste, that luscious combination of flavors that goes with everything. May be you enjoy a nice pickle based cocktail? But what you didn’t know is that pickles can very well save your life. This